If you don't find the information you are looking for, please email admin@chilternchurch.org.uk and we will get back you as soon as we can.

Connect Groups are key part of the life of the church and provide a great opportunity to pray, study the bible, have fun together and support one another.
Each group meets regularly, normally once a week or fortnightly in a variety of locations - homes, church and even a cafe!
Most groups take a break during the school holidays.We have a range of groups to meet individual needs and availability.
If you would like to join a Connect Group, please email admin@chilternchurch.org.uk and we will get back you.
Please follow us on Facebook
Chiltern is privileged to serve hundreds of families through Tots 'n' Toys.
Tots 'n' Toys offers children the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of toys, craft activities, stories and songs in a friendly space.
There is even a special time for those 'Bundles of Joy' aged 0 - 18 months to enjoy the same on a Tuesday afternoon.
For parents and carers, Tots 'n' Toys provides a chance to chat, make friends, enjoy mutual support and encouragement, not forgetting that vital cup of tea or coffee.
Twice a year, a professional photographer attends the groups offering a free 5 minute photo session with an opportunity to purchase photos (there is no obligation to buy, no questions asked)

For those coming on a Sunday morning with children, there are a range of things on offer for your kids.
There is a fully-equipped creche (ages 0-2) upstairs for parents with young children. There are speakers in the room (with volume controls) so you don't miss out on what's happening in the main hall. There are toys and changing facilities in the creche.
For the children (3-11), there is a kids club run by a fantastic team of volunteers. We will let you know in the meeting when that starts (normally shortly after the notices) and where to go (the hall adjacent to the main meeting area)
Children from Reception to Year 6 are warmly invited to come along to Friday Kids Club.
We meet during term time from 4:15 – 5:30pm.
A typical evening includes group games, crafts, a short film clip and a variety of fun activities to allow the children to expend some energy and learn more about God’s love in a safe environment.
£1 entry which includes a snack.
It’s a great way to start the weekend and have fun with friends and leaders!
For more information on the children’s work contact our team on children@chilternchurch.org.uk
For those in secondary school we have several groups available during the week. These include a Sunday group during the service, a Friday evening group, and a midweek group for our older youth who are eager to grow in their faith.
We are passionate about creating spaces where our young people feel safe and welcome; and where they can encounter the truth and love of God through Jesus.
We have a YOUTH page on our website with more information about our groups and our Youth Pastor (Ryan).
Feel free to contact Ryan on ryan@chilternchurch.org.uk if you have any further questions.

At Chiltern we aim to value, encourage and support seniors, especially in the many challenges that this phase of life can bring.
For more information on two of the events we run for seniors, follow the link below.
Please contact Rachel on 07885 582 523 if you require further information.
Wednesdays at 10:30am. A time to chat, make new friends and enjoy that important cup of tea.
Silver Service
This happens termly on a Wednesday at 10:30. A special service with old hymns, a short message, followed by a nice meal together.

You make my feet run as fast as those of a deer, and you help me stand on the mountains
- Psalm 18:33
Parkrun – free running!
There is regular attendance at a Parkrun event (timed 5km at your own pace) at 9 am on Saturday mornings. Often we can be found at Banstead Woods and always at Roundshaw Downs. Usually between 5 and 15 of our runners attend.
For more details of these events, visit the Parkrun website.
Each year we run in 5 interchurch mob matches at Bushy, Lloyd, Roundshaw and Nonsuch parkrun – not to mention the national churchrunner virtual mob match. Dates on www.churchrunner.co.uk