Below are the answers to most common questions about booking your children to attend our Children’s Ministry provision – please read before booking. Please note that one ticket reserves a table, where a maximum of 2 people from the same household are permitted (a table can accommodate up to 2 children who do not need to be accompanied or 1 child and one adult).
Q. My child is under 3 years old – can I leave them with children’s ministry during the service?
A. Any children under 3 must be accompanied by an adult. When booking a ticket please bear that in mind, as the maximum capacity for one table is 2 children or 1 adult with a child.
Q. I would like to register a child over 3 and another who is younger and would need to be supervised – how many tickets should I book?
A. The maximum capacity of each ticket is 2 – either a child with an accompanying adult or 2 children from the same household who are over 3. In this case you would have to book 2 tickets by using 'add ticket' function and state the names of everyone who will be seated at each table (you will need to enter the guardian details for each ticket required).
Q. My child normally attends the youth group Pursuit-is there a separate ticket type for them?
A. If your child attends senior school, they will need to be included in your main booking as an additional member of your household for them to be able to attend the service. There is currently no separate provision for them and they will stay with you in the service.
Q. There are no more tickets available for children’s ministry for the Sunday I have booked to attend the service – can I just bring my child to stay with me in the service?
A. Unfortunately we will not be able to allow children under 11 to come into the main hall during the service, as the government guidelines state that we have to keep the younger children separate from the rest of the congregation. If your child is 11 or older, they can be added to your booking, space permitting and they will sit with you during the service. Please email admin@chilternchurch.org.uk to make these amendments, or if this means that you can no longer attend the service that Sunday, please use the same email address to cancel your booking so that a ticket can be released to enable someone else to attend the service. Service bookings are open at least up to 2 weeks ahead, so you should be able to make a booking for a Sunday in the near future.
Q. I haven’t booked for my child to participate in children’s ministry on Sunday – can I bring them anyway?
A. Please note that you can only bring your children for this provision if you have received confirmation of booking via email. Without this, we will not be able to accommodate your child when you arrive and regretfully you will not be permitted to bring in children into the service with you. These processes have been put in place for everyone's safety and we thank you in advance for your understanding.
Q. Can I book for a few Sundays at a time?
A. There is no limit to how many services you should book, so once you have received confirmation of your booking for the Sunday service you can check availability for Children’s Ministry provision for that Sunday. We will be aiming to give as much time as possible for you to book in and open up as many services in advance a possible. All services available for booking will be on the events page on our website.