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  • Chiltern Church is committed to the safeguarding of children and adults with care and support needs and ensuring their well-being.

  • We recognise that we all have a responsibility to help prevent harm or abuse to children and adults with care and support needs in all their recognised forms.

  • We believe every child should be valued, safe and happy.  We want to make sure that all those we have contact with know this and are empowered to tell us if they are experiencing significant harm.

  • We recognise that we all have a responsibility to help prevent the physical, sexual, psychological, financial and discriminatory abuse and neglect of adults and children at risk of harm and abuse and to report any such abuse that we discover or suspect.

  • We recognise the personal dignity and rights of adults and children and will ensure all our policies and procedures reflect this. 

  • We believe all people should enjoy and have access to every aspect of the life of Chiltern Church unless they pose a risk to the safety of those we serve.

  • We undertake to exercise proper care in the appointment and selection of all those who will work with children and adults with care and support needs.


We are committed to:

  • Following statutory denominational and specialist guidelines in relation to safeguarding children and adults and will ensure that as a place of worship all workers will work within the agreed procedure of our safeguarding policy.

  • Implementing the requirements of all the relevant legislation including, but not limited to; Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018, the Disability Discrimination Acts 1995 and 2005, Equality Act 2010 and referring concerns about adults with care and support needs to the local authority under the Care Act 2014.

  • Supporting, resourcing and training those who undertake this work.

  • Ensuring that we are keeping up to date with national and local developments relating to safeguarding.

  • Ensuring that everyone involved in caring for children and adults with care and support needs agrees to abide by these recommendations and the guidelines established by Chiltern Church.

  • Supporting all in Chiltern church affected by abuse.


We recognise:

  • Children’s Social Services has lead responsibility for investigating all allegations or suspicions of abuse where there are concerns about a child. Adult Social Care has lead responsibility for investigating all allegations or suspicions of abuse where there are concerns about an adult with care and support needs.

  • Where an allegation suggests that a criminal offence may have been committed then the police should be contacted as a matter of urgency.

  • Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.


We will review this statement and our policy and procedures annually.

If you have any concerns for a child or adult, then speak to one of the following who have been approved as safeguarding co-ordinators for Chiltern Church:


Jason Humphreys: Interim Safeguarding Coordinator


Robert Dibdin: Deputy Safeguarding Coordinator 


A copy of the full policy and procedures is available from Sunitha Nair (Church Administrator).  


Signed on behalf of the Leadership Team


Signed: Jason Humphreys


Date: 16/6/23

The following statement was agreed by the leadership of Chiltern Church on 27 March 2023


Protection of children and adults policy statement

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