We would love you to feel really welcome and at home when you visit, so here is what you can expect if you do.

Messy Church is, as it says... MESSY!
Based around a different Bible theme each month, we provide a variety of games, crafts and activities followed by a meal. This is a fantastic opportunity for families with children of all ages to explore church together.
Messy Church runs on the first Sunday of the month from 4 – 6pm (except for January, August and September).
During the afternoon we’ll enjoy games, quizzes and great crafts. We’ll also gather for a time of celebration with family worship and an interactive telling of the Bible story.
We provide a family-friendly hot meal for everyone and try our best to meet dietary needs. Please sign up on our events page beforehand if you’re able to so we can cater for your family!
When you arrive you will come through the main entrance and meet the Messy Church welcome team. They will register your family and check any dietary requirements.
We’ll finish up at 6pm and everyone gets a chocolate as you leave!

Do I need to pay anything to come?
No, you don't. We do however take donations (there’s a box on the welcome desk). As Messy Church is self-funding this helps to cover costs and develop Messy church further.
​Can I leave my kids here?
Unfortunately not - the children are not supervised by our team; we provide the setting, but parents need to be with their children and help them with the games and activities. This is one of the great highlights of Messy Church - parents and children exploring faith in God together.
​What if I am gluten-intolerant or vegetarian?
We always provide a gluten-free and vegetarian option for people, just let our welcome team know when you arrive.