Our vision for Chiltern Church is to be a community of people so energised by God’s love that we live lives of passionate worship and powerful ministry:
A church strong in the word of God and sensitive to the presence and life-giving ministry of the Holy Spirit.
A church committed to live increasingly like Jesus, loving people with supernatural love.
A church that can nurture, equip and empower people to walk in their identity and purpose, sharing their faith with others.
A community committed to valuing all people; every generation, the healthy and the broken.
A church that will give truth, courage, and spiritual strength to the generations that will follow us.
A church that can carry the power of God to people in life-giving ministry, bringing healing and hope and restoration.
A church family confident in the grace and goodness of God; passionate to bless the community, the city, and the nations with the ministry of Jesus.
A church in partnership with others, raising the level of Christian faith and trust in God across our whole community.
A church where people’s lives are transformed as they meet God and come alive in His presence.
A church that embraces the joy and challenge of this spiritual journey, encouraging one another to take bold steps of faith.
We can see our church energised by the love and power of God, growing as followers of Jesus and sharing His hope with our community, city and world
From Jason and the leadership team:
“…energised by the love and power of God…”
We believe in the power of prayer and the central role of prayer in all the ministries of the church.
We believe in the value of corporate worship and ministry to God.
We value ministering to all people at every age and life stage.
We believe that Jesus is our model and example in purity and character, in intimacy and relationship with the Father and the Spirit, and in ministry to people.
We value the fruit of the Spirit and Christ-like character which honours God and gives integrity to our mission.
We believe in the value and present reality of all the spiritual gifts given by God that both the Old and New Testament describe.
We believe in the value of biblical teaching and preaching for personal transformation and equipping in ministry.
“…growing as followers of Jesus…”
“…sharing His hope…”
We value the collective involvement of the whole church. We believe that people of all ages and life stages should be engaged in ministry according to their gifting and maturity.
We value ministry which facilitates people coming to a genuine faith and relationship with God.
Following the example of Jesus and the early church, we believe that ministry should be culturally relevant.
We believe that the church has a key role in demonstrating compassion in our community and in our world.